Friday, January 16, 2009

Jericho returning... again

In an interview with IF Magazine published Wednesday, Executive Producer and Director Jon Turteltaub said a film version of his canceled series Jericho is in the works.

We’re developing a feature for Jericho,” Turteltaub said. “It would not require you to have seen the TV show, but it get into life after an event like this on a national scale. It would be the bigger, full on American version of what’s going on beyond the town in Jericho.”

He continued that the cast will return for the movie, although he provided scant other details.

Jericho debuted on CBS during the 2006 season, telling the story of a sma
ll in Kansas after 23 American cities are attacked by nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, the first season ended not only with falling ratings, but with one of the biggest cliffhangers ever as the townspeople rush out to battle a neighboring community with the gunfire continuing as the scene faded to black.

CBS canceled the series only to be met with a huge fan response, 40,000 pounds of nuts mailed to the studio's headquarters, referencing a favorite line from the finale. CBS agreed to bring the show back for a truncated second season--seven episodes--to continue the survivors' story.

Jericho returned in the spring of 2008 as a midseason replacement while the networks were recovering from the effects of the writers' strike. While the show didn't earn a third season--it was canceled again during the summer--the show had a much more satisfying conclusion.

In the weeks following its second canceling, rumors had the show moving to the Sci-Fi Channel, but when no word emerged, the show was thought dead for good.

This week's news is interesting, if only to see how they plan on retooling the story in a way to attract new viewers while pleasing the fans that saved the show the first time. The second season ended with a clear direction for the story should a third be approved, and I have to wonder if the great storytelling we received in those seven episodes will be forgotten.

Only time will tell...

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